segunda-feira, maio 08, 2006

Emissão de 23 de Abril de 2006

José Mário Branco - Abertura (Gar d'Austerlitz) (Mudam-se os Tempos, Mudam-se as Vontades - 1971)
Max Richter - Shadow Journal (The Blue Notebooks - 2004)
Mia Doi Todd - Amor (Adventur Time remix) (La Ninja: Amor and Other Dreams of Manzanita - 2006)
Sia - Paranoid Android (Exit Music: Songs with Radio Heads - 2006)
Corker Conboy - The Crossing (OST: 3º Colder - 2006)
Modern Institute - International Rustic (Excellent Swimmer - 2006)
Outoffbody Experience - Satiesfaction (Duemila e oltre - 1999)
Max Richter - The Blue Notebooks (The Blue Notebooks - 2004)
Sickoakes - Leonine (Seawards - 2006)
Matthew Herbert/Mara Carlyle - (Nice Dream) (Exit Music: Songs with Radioheads - 2006)
Mia Doi Todd - Kokoro (La Ninja: Amor and Other Dreams of Manzanita - 2006)
Grand Salvo - Drifting (The Temporal Wheel - 2005)
Es - Rainpipe (Flick - 2000)
Shuttle 358 - Scrapbook (Chessa - 2004)


Anonymous Anónimo said...

I really enjoyed looking at your site, I found it very helpful indeed, keep up the good work.

09 junho, 2006 20:54  

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